Georgia has become a satellite country of Russia – the government sells the interests of its own country everyday
Amid the fierce confrontation between Ukraine and Russia, the West is surprised by the dubious silence of the Georgian government, which is perceived as supporting Russia.
Georgian pro-Russian authorities did not arrive in Kiev to show solidarity. Against this background, pro-Russian forces have clearly intensified in the country, the Conservative Movement has already opened 25 offices, they plan to open 85 offices in totalin Georgia; they openly demand the legalization of Russian military bases in the occupied territories and directly from Moscow’s finances. Dozens of pro-Russian non-governmental organizations are also actively engaged in pro-Russian propaganda. The government does not hinder the mentioned; on the contrary, it promotes and encourages such pro-Russian forces in every possible way.In the country, soldiers who took part in the 2008 war with Russia are being killed in uncertain circumstances. Many veterans have escaped ... Russia has long held the dossier of Georgian soldiers fighting against it, which was provided by Georgian high-ranking law enforcement officials.
The Kremlin has its own net of agents in almost every state structure, and Georgia has already become an obvious satellite country of Russia.
Boris Bokhua